“Prairie Sky Outfitters is absolutely a first class operation. The guides work around the clock to put your group on the best shoot possible. The gear is all top notch and they make it easy for their clients. They were very appreciative for the help setting up and picking up at the end of the hunt, but never asked us to do anything other than have a good time. We chose the all inclusive package and it was worth every penny. The airport pick up is awesome, licenses and ammo waiting at the lodge, makes things very easy. The lodge is very comfortable and the food is wonderful.
I have been fortunate enough to hunt in Texas and Arkansas for snow geese, let me tell you Saskatchewan is the place to go and hunt, and I can’t imagine a better crew than PSO. After making memories that will no doubt last a lifetime, we will coming back. Thank you Chad, Tyler, Cam and Murray. All you guys went above and beyond for us and I truly appreciate your effort.
Thanks again and good hunting”