Our Staff

Each and every person here plays a critical part in making PSO the premier camp that it is today. They all live and breath hunting and the outdoors. They simply love what they do and it shows. They are knowledgeable in every aspect of waterfowl and never stop trying to provide you, our clients, with the best experience possible.

There are alot of camps out there that can “put you on the birds” but this group of guys is truly what makes PSO different from all the rest. There is a reason we run the hash tag “morethannumbers” because we are, just that. You don’t have to take our word for it, come and experience all that the Prairie Sky Outfitters staff has to offer this hunting season.

We’re Hiring!

Inquire as to how you can join this awesome team!

Chad Ward


Tyler Boyle


Cam Drews


Jason Evans


Spencer Vandenberg


Steve Ward

Camp Go-To Guy

Stacy Nieviadomy

Camp Cook

Andrew Rochon

Camp Chef